Mysterious Desires
Playing with the Edge of Unpredictability to Increase Aliveness and Rekindle the Spark in your Relationship
An Interactive, Inspiring Couples Trilogy: Join this mini-course of 3 online sessions over 3 weeks time
Redefining Eroticism
Daily life
Have you also been told that passion eventually dies out? Perhaps you and your beloved believed that may happen to everyone... but not to you. You'd never lose the spark! And yet, it could very well be that now, as time passed by, the every-day life ánd closeness is beautiful on the one hand, but doesn't bring that much tingling in your pants, nor a spark in your eyes anymore. Or maybe there's just too much 'in the way' - practically, emotionally, physically - to really be deeply intimate again. After all, especially if you have kids, you may have shifted your priority.
New eyes
Let me reassure you: passion 'always dying' is not a fact. It's a myth that you do not have to buy into. And what I've learned, is that if you want to bring back a sustainable fire, (which is much more about playfulness than about sex), you cán. Yet, it doesn't involve sexy lingerie, a whole bunch of toys or engaging in a threesome (it cán if you want to, though). The true answer lies deeper: in truly seeing each other again. Which requires a new set of eyes, a new relationship with your own erotic self... and a new way of inviting in the mystery of life!
"Intimacy with another human is in fact very much about meeting ourselves. The other person is like an entrance into our own deepest mysteries."
You are invited... join me in this 3-part online workshop, over 3 consecutive weeks, for you and your beloved, where we dive into the essence of our erotic nature, so you can reclaim this part within yourself.
- 3 online sessions, in a small group, couples only:
- Session 1: Can you réally see me?
- Session 2: What stands in the way?
- Session 3: The biggest trap.
- Deepening your relationship through new ways of seeing each other
- Learning how to play with distance and closeness, while maintaining safety
- Diving into the core, paradoxical elements that activate our eroticism
- Practices and exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home (don't worry, we won't be doing anything sexual on screen)
- A multi-disciplinary approach, including communication science, psychology, neurobiology, tantra and other spiritual influences
- Sharing and learning from other couples
- Recordings included (only shared with people who follow the program, nothing will be used commercially)
Only € 222 for you both
A risk-free investment in yourself, and your relationship
...and a great way for us (you both and me!) to get to know each other before we potentially continue deeper work!
"The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life."
- Esther Perel
Who is this for?
- 🧡 Couples who understand the value of intimacy, which is só multi-layered (beyond the physical!), yet don't know about the broad spectrum of possibilities of how to connect deeply again.
- 🧡 New couples who want to make sure their past won't get in the way of this new relationship, and want to keep seeing each other with fresh eyes.
- 🧡 Couples who take their relationship and passion seriously, and believe they are both worth nourishing continuously. They wish to receive new perspectives and practices.
- 🧡 Couples who feel that they're in a rut called 'daily life' and running the business of family, yet would love to learn how to rekindle the flame again.
"Like any human being needs attention, care and nurturing, your relationship needs it too. You both deserve this. Your relationship deserves it! Will you take it seriously?"
Why join?
Because you may long to really be seen by each other. Something you may have lost over time, as you became closer. You will learn new ways of increasing your erotic intimacy by seeing the otherness again.
Because this is your opportunity to really spend time with your beloved, in a space that nurtures and inspires you to grow together in your relationship. I reckon this means a lot to you, or you wouldn't be here!
Because successful couples choose to show up for each other, with all excitement and 'edge' it may bring up. They welcome it all, seeing discomfort as a portal to deepening their connection every time.
I'd be honored become a part of your relationship journey. To guide you into the flow of love, as many have said is my purpose and greatest talent. In my 20 years as a communication specialist, leadership mentor and Life Designer there's always been one life area that kept fascinating me: romantic relationships.
For the past years, I've been merging my academic degree and work experience, my passion ánd my tantric heart while working with couples on very deep levels in their relationships. For my story and credentials, please go here.
I am certified to use the 'polyvagal theory' in my work, after having finished work with Deb Dana. And I am currently studying Relational Life Therapy ® with Terry real, one of the leading couples therapists worldwide, who also works closely with one of my biggest sources of inspiration, Esther Perel. I am part of her professional community to stay updated on recent developments in the field.
I am deeply committed to keep growing and evolving my knowledge and experience and happily share this with you.
Are you in?
If you are firmly invested in your relationship and you believe that my guidance may inspire you to go deeper...