From Courage To Confidence

An inspiring talk & activating workshop

Your takeaways from this online event:

  • Learn about the 6-step Sassy Sovereignty System to own your T.H.R.O.N.E. and step into your Kingdom or Queendom.
  • How your own brain might be holding you back from becoming confident... without you knowing it.
  • How to anchor yourself in the midst of turmoil.

PLEASE NOTE that all main communication is in English - written emails and workshop presentation - with the exception of Wednesday workshops: those will be in Dutch. 


"You were born confident. Your feeling of insecurity is a learned behavior. So what we really need to do, is unlearn the unconscious beliefs, patterns and behavior that hold us back. You have it all inside of you. With the right guidance, you can truly become that confident, sovereign being you deserve to be."