Relationships & Conflicts: Can you see through this?

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

How clear are you?
You know... Everyone attracts everyone
You having faced your childhood issues is not a guarantee that you will never again attract somebody who’s emotionally unavailable. Or narcissistic. Or incompatible in any way with where you are. Get very clear on what you wantThe only thing you can do, is recognizing earlier on if somebody is not a good fit, so you can move on in time.
The clearer you are, the more focus you'll have. The more focus you'll have, the less distraction you'll allow into your life.Now read that again. Clarity QuadrantSo…. I’ve created a free tool for you: the Clarity Quadrant will help you to Get Clear and Stay Focused. You will find it in the ‘From Dating to Relating Guidebook’, alongside with a second tool: the 4 key questions to make an informed, empowered choice. Much love, |
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